#1 I have a cat.
#2 I have studied English for one hour today.
I have been driving my car to work since January.
#3 I have to do lots of homework tonight.
“have to”は「必要な」または「しなければならない」という意味です。この時、“to”という単語は常に“have”の後にくることを覚えましょう。この2つの単語は常に一緒に使われます。
#4 I should have studied for the test.
“should have”とは、私が本来やるべき何かをしなかったという意味で、やっていたらもっと良かったのにというニュアンスになります。上の例の場合では、テスト勉強をしていたらよかったのに、勉強しませんでした、という意味になります。
#5 I will have the painter paint my house.
I will have my car repaired.
上記の 3 つの手順を時間を置いて繰り返しましょう。
A) A) 下線部を問う疑問文を書きましょう。
ex: I have been studying English every day this month.
How often have you been studying English this month?
1) My mother has to make dinner at 5 o’clock every evening.
2) In my youth, our family had 3 cats.
3) All day today, I have listened to jazz music.
4) Lately, my father has been helping around the house every day.
5) I should have studied for today’s test last night.
6) Last week, I had my car repaired at the Excel Garage.
7) Next month, I will have to work 3 times every week.
8) This year, I have visited my grandmother about 2 times a month.
9) In the future, I would like to have a hybrid car.
10) Since January, I have been exercising about 4 times a week.
11) I should have gotten up at 6 o’clock this morning.
12) This evening, we will have a pepperoni pizza delivered to our house.
B) 回答セクション
1) My mother has to make dinner at 5 o’clock every evening.
At what time does your mother have to make dinner every evening?
2) In my youth, our family had 3 cats.
How many cats did your family have in your youth?
3) All day today, I have listened to jazz music.
What kind of music have you listend to all day today?
4) Lately, my father has been helping around the house every day.
How often has your father been helping around the house lately?
5) I should have studied for today’s test last night.
What should you have done last night?
6) Last week, I had my car repaired at the Excel Garage.
At which garage did you have your car repaired last week?
7) Next month, I will have to work 3 times every week.
How many times every week will you have to work next month?
8) This year, I have visited my grandmother about 2 times a month.
How often have you visited your grandmother this year?
9) In the future, I would like to have a hybrid car.
What kind of car would you like to have in the future?
10) Since January, I have been exercising about 4 times a week.
Since when have you been exercising about 4 times a week?
11) I should have gotten up at 6 o’clock this morning.
At what time should you have gotten up this morning?
12) This evening, we will have a pepperoni pizza delivered to our house.
What kind of pizza will you have delivered to your house this evening?
Good Job! Keep studying and keep practicing.
See you soon,